Comic Con is crazy-stupid to get tickets to these days. Back in the day we used to just show up that day and buy tickets and then something happened where it exploded in population and all the people on Earth show up to stand in line. Last year we wound up being gifted a free comp ticket that a friend of a friend didn’t need (and kids are free) and I was happy with that. I want to visit other cons now (I actually had plans for both Leaky Con and Gallifrey One this year, but The Universe was all NOPE). Even so, I went ahead and entered to win Comic Con tickets because if the process was free and easy I’d totally go. I never expected to win. BUT I TOTALLY DID. (And I fully realize that I’ve used up all my Comic Con luck for ever and ever now.)

I had two tickets to the Con and I wasn’t sure who to give the other one to because most of my friends hate crowds with a passion (I don’t – but the crowds at Comic Con last year did even me in) but when I heard that Rainbow was doing a panel I offered my other ticket to Bethany so she and her daughter could go. (And you know what’s stupid? I forgot to get a picture of all three kids together.)

I don’t know these people. I just know that they are awesome.
Last year we went to the Doctor Who panel. That required waiting in line all morning and we *just* made it in the panel (see? LUCK). So this year we decided that we’d rather do other stuff all day rather than just one thing for most of the day. Besides we’d done the Doctor Who Tumblr Meetup the day before and breathed the same air as Matt Smith and all so we were good there.

So we didn’t do… much. We walked the floor (and by “walked” I mean “elbowed our way through the masses”), we had lunch with our friends and laughed a lot, we saw awesome cosplay. The kids went to a panel with their dad and I joined Bethany in Rainbow’s panel. We hung out at the Lego booth and took a picture in the Ice King’s jail. We had fun, but at the end of the day I felt underwhelmed.

And here’s why: I’m not really all that into comics. I know, I know. I feel bad for going to Comic Con when I’m not really into comics, but it’s not my fault that’s where the BBC goes. Ideally they’d plan a second, perhaps linked, con that is for geeky entertainment in general. But unless that happens Comic Con is where I want to be. Only. Most of the panels – the ones that aren’t the huge ones, I mean – are comic book-based. (There were a few for kids we wanted to check out – like how to draw comics – but we missed them due to timing.) So as a con it’s not that interesting to me. I should clarify that I am not in any way anti-comic book. I know they are an intelligent and legitimate art form. I just don’t relate to them as well as I do to books or movies. Maybe someday I’ll find a comic that will change my mind.

The panels at Gallifrey and Leaky Con sounded really, really interesting to me, but it’s just the E-ticket panels I want to go to at Comic Con. And then I realized: I like Comic Con for it’s Disneyland aspects. I would rather wait in line all day (or night) and see one awesome panel than fight my way through the crowds on the floor for a few free buttons (disclaimer: my kids may or may not disagree with me on the value of free buttons). But other cons – ones that are built around the fandoms I am a part of – I think I’d like for the convention itself.

I’m sorry. I just can’t stop showing off my awesome shoes.
Someday perhaps I’ll buy tickets to Comic Con and sleep in line to see the Doctor again, but I think (unless I get free tickets again!) I will stick to the free outside-the-con events instead. Because, frankly, for one weekend a year, all of downtown is full of magic (and crowds. Don’t forget the crowds).