7 Days: Day 2 (Internet Friends)

7 Days: Day 2 (Internet Friends)

Jen’s here because she and Bethany are driving up to Portland to go to LeakyCon this week. (I was originally going to go, too, but my plans fell through. Boo! And while I’m very sad about that, I am sending this owl as my proxy.)


So all the 7 Dayers in SoCal got together at Brenda’s for an afternoon picnic. I brought my monopod to make group photos easier, and thanks goes to Katie for the pose idea.


And yes I’ve met nearly all of these people online (I met Summer in high school and Katie through Summer). None of them are even scary murderers. I’ve met some amazing people online – people who have become close friends, people from all over the world. I am so grateful to this little box that makes the world a smaller place.

Jen, by the way, is responsible for this new blog space and I’ve LOVED working with her. I’m so glad I got to meet her today.

where katie gives sonja a run for her money in the photobomb department


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