Tag Archives: postpartum

Lady Links, This is a Woman

Lady Links 8.2

It’s my half-birthday today! Sometimes people give me a weird look for saying that but dammit, I’m gonna have as many birthdays as possible. CAKE.


~TIAW on Tumblr and Pinterest.
~”The truth is many women will never regain the shape they had pre-pregnancy and there is nothing wrong with this.” <-- EXACTLY.
~So it turns out that making people feel like shit isn’t actually the first step to making them want to be healthy. WHO KNEW? /snarkasm
~This is a cool thread that poses the question, what would famous classical works of art look like if we applied today’s photoshopping techniques to them?
~Lululemon isn’t making plus-sized yoga pants to be KIND to plus-sized women. After all. They wouldn’t want to insult us by charging more and since that is the only option…
~Here’s a cute song that will make you realize that you actually have a lot more in common with velociraptors than you realized.
~Amanda Palmer is awesome. As usual.